TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - What's a plug and play race logic traction control worth?
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Subject What's a plug and play race logic traction control worth?
Posted by DanielThomas on March 13, 2021 at 7:37 PM
  This message has been viewed 278 times.
Message Hi guys, so I got this race logic on my car, I paid 1000 bucks for it but it came with lots more than I ever saw on other rltc boxes. It was a 2015 model that was made only a few month's before they were discontinued. It has full throttle shift, launch control mode, adjustable slip dial like most of them, but this came with a plug and play setup and a 300zx patch harness so to remove and install it's literally just plug the ECU in and splice four wires to the abs box and one to clutch switch for full throttle shift and launch mode. Rs232 setup wire and so on. It's in a neat box that fits nicely under the passenger seat for a nice hidden install.

I never saw a plug and play one before I bought it and still never have whilst I've owned it. Considering selling the car but if I do I'm going to remove all the expensive parts first and sell it as stock so I'm keen to find the value of this as I know they're rare now.

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